Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Journey of A Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Post

I was trying to make myself go back to sleep and turn an evening nap into an all night sleep. But I've had so many lists and ideas running through my head lately that I couldn't even count staring at the ceiling as resting anymore. One item on my list has been getting a blog up and started for my travels. It occurred to me that getting the blog started sooner than later might help me sort out all these tasks as I work through them. This will be my place to get things down and out so I can then go to bed with a clear mind. So I'm just going to get a huge list of items that are on my plate and tackle them as I go.

1. Travel insurance
2. Summer plans (Laura's wedding, Michigan Fun Run?, Alisha'a house, Cassie)
3. iPad/MacBook Air
4. Camping equipment for Hawaii
5. Working Holiday visa for Australia
6. Savings account for return
7. Packing up my house
8. Selling unwanted stuff
9. Storing wanted stuff for return
10. Shipping important stuff to parents
11. Sorting out keeper items from school
12. Start contacting hosts in Hawaii
13. Start a list of must see spots
14. Research international banks
15. Research atm fee-free credit cards
16. What season is bad weather in the Pacific?
17. Setting up Yakko for a year
18. Make list of must do activities
19. Update resume for return
20. Research budget airlines
21. Packing list
22. Can I get to the Crossfit Games in July?
23. Train tickets through Europe
24. Olive tending in Greece
25. Wine vineyard in Italy
26. Scotland near the end?
27. Doctor visits before I travel
28. Health goals
29. Scanning all woof, help exchange, coolworks sites for possible locations
30. Budget goals
31. Phone connections in each country
32. Teacher discount card

This is not an exhausted list, but I'm sure tired now that I look at it. I've started working on a few items but I seem to write a lot of ideas on sticki-notes that disappear into a black hole or get scribbled in the back of a journal with no descriptive heading. Maybe having my findings under a post will help organize my life.

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