Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So...already not the most consistent blogging ever. I start with an idea almost everyday but by the end, all I want to do is watch Law and Order while scanning pinterest (It's funny that spell check doesn't recognize pinterest as a word yet. Get with the times!) I end up postponing thoughts until I have a huge list of things to write about, feel I should write about all of them, then feel like it's too much of a chore to start tonight, save it for the weekend. Then the weekend is devoted to trial napping and more pinterest. So I decided to pick one thing to write about today, and if I feel like more at the end of it, awesome. If not, awesome.

I have lived in Bethel for six years and it's amazing how much possessions can gather and pile so quickly. I have started a lengthy process of sorting out all my stuff into basically four piles: things that need to come with me this next year, important and sentimental items that need to be stored safely at my parents house, things that I can store in Bethel for my return (but could be jettisoned if the direction of my life changes), and everything else to sell, give, donate, or trash.

I've done lots of sorting already and this weekend was focused on sell. I got a lot of big items onto our town's For Sale facebook page. I stickered and hauled several tote-fulls of junk to a multi-household Moving Sale. They have a nice garage set up (garages are a rare luxury in Bethel) so we could leave things out the night before.

Moving Sales in Bethel are a strange thing. Prices, like everything in Bethel, are much higher. You can make some serious cash fast if you have enough items and keep your doors open long enough. Bicycles for $25, side tables for $40, and a TV for 125.

We made so much money in one Saturday, we decided to reopen on Sunday since everything was already laid out. It was a much slower start since or town has a high church-going population. While we were sitting around, I was thinking that we could use one of those Statue of Liberty costumes and a twirling sign to get some customers flowing. I happen to see a square of cork board in one of the free boxes and thought, "I could make a twirling sign from that." With a little Sharpie magic and a bolt, I had a sign to wave at passing cars. But what about an eye catching costume? Well luckily, a Whoopie Cushion costume was on the rack for $4. Why not advertise for the sale and the costume at the same time?

How could people resist stopping to check it out? We had such a busy afternoon we had to extend our hours! Now I only got to wear that costume for about twenty minutes. The picture got onto facebook, someone wanted the costume, and came to buy it right off my back. Luckily we had a queenly renaissance dress for sale as well. 

We didn't do as well as Saturday, but still fairly well, especially considering it took no extra effort of prep. My last really big item is my snowmachine. I'd like to get rid of that before the end of the month. 

Angie had said earlier, "I don't have a plan for my moving sale money. I guess I should make one." Which started me thinking where my profits should be applied. All the money I make from selling my possessions will go into my bank account back home. My mom has access to it as well, and this will be my get-out-of-jail money. 

So there it is. Selling my junk, moving sale, Whoopie cushion. Pretty much somes up my train of thoughts this past week. 

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