Monday, August 11, 2014

Thirty 2 by Thirty 1

My good friend Alisha has kept birthday lists before and has inspired me to create my own. I have created a list of 50 or so items that are basic bucket list items that could concievaibly be accomplished this year. This first post will be my list, then following posts will be updates on checking them off the list.

-try five new spices
-five new cultural dishes
-talk to family weekly
-use only natural beauty products
-plan a 2 week summer hike
-patent an idea- rubber boots and umbrella
-do nano
-learn to pickle or kraut: Kirk and Barb
-flying lessons
-self defense lessons
-photography class
-publish short story
-overnight snow amp
-teach Yakko 5 new tricks
-subscribe to a new magazine
-finish year 3 reading of classic education 
-volunteer firefighter
-make every recipe in paleo book
-new tattoo
-challenge every month
-boat share
-break size ten
-keep year book list 
-5 or 10 k race
-make a podcast
-perpetual summer album
-community college class
-volunteer at homeless shelter
-bake for senior center
-research orphan prevention
-volunteer at libravox 
-Yakko on paleo diet
-revise resume
-make it to article circle
-exercise class
-monthly club?
-all handmade gifts for Christmas
-visit transition town/intentional community
-month long juice
-DNA group
-master chef competition
-volunteer babysit for church
-teachers pay teachers
-start land fund- 1000 a month
-research adoption agency
-host a balm party
-broom ball
-more community events -once a month?
-volunteer at Meyers 
-5 new people to diner
-3 types of Alaskan meat in freezer
-volunteer with dogsled
-join the church
-window herb garden
-endorsement in new area
-book club
-order and complete new teaching course
-read entire bible
-one year without buying a book
(the following are items I had made in my Back to Bethel list, so I'm counting them)
-Tone arms (-3 inches)
-Tone legs (-5 inches)
-Whole30 challenge
-update transcripts
-go to a conference
-new endorsement
-no cable at the house
-no internet at the house
-join a workout class
-join a book club
-bible study
-attend a month of Sunday school
-finish two books on tape

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