Thursday, January 8, 2015

Revise Resume

So I tried to do this one a few months ago with my friend A. We had a night planned out to meet, have a drink or two, and get some work done. Then we also decided that we wanted to watch "Gone with the Wind," since neither of us had ever seen it. Then we decided we should have a drinking game to go along with it (which I highly recommend to anyone ever watching it again).

Looking back now, it was one two many wants in a single night. Only one and a half of those things ever happened that night, and revising my resume was not one of them. Watching the actual movie was only half completed because I accidentally put the dvd in wrong and we watched the second half of the movie first and didn't even notice until it was over and we flipped it over (we did notice that the story moved fairly quickly and didn't do a lot of back building on characters and just kind of jumped into things...but never guessed why). We did follow the rules of the game and by the time half the movie was over, I was not ready to play another half. In fact I fell asleep on the couch I had offered A and she had to go sleep in my bed. But that's what true friends are for.

So again, since school was canceled, and I only have 23 days left to complete my birthday list, I made a second pot of coffee and got to work. I have to give a big thanks to A2 because I really just copy and pasted her resume then edited as needed.

Note: I have no plans on changing jobs this year. It's just that I haven't updated my resume since like...when I got a job eight years ago. So it was time to add things, like actually teaching.

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